Webinar:The Power of the Inbox: Tips asa Tricks for Successful Marketing

  • 06/16/2016
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Your desk


The Power of the Inbox: 

Tips and Tricks for 

Successful Email Marketing

Presented by:

Kevin Stoner

Lighstone Systems


Thursday, June 16, 2016

12:30 - 1:30pm



What is the first impression you give when they see you in their email inbox? And when they see you there, what do they do? This powerful webinar takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing.

  • What it really is (and isn't)
  • What it can do for your business
  • And the five easy steps you must take to harness the power of the inbox!
  1. Grow a healthy list
  2. Create great content
  3. Customize a beautiful, mobile-friendly template that matches your brand
  4. How to get your emails opened
  5. Tracking your results


From revealing why regular email doesn't work, to insider tips and techniques like automated list building tools and the design elements that work (and those that don't), this webinar will give you the keys to the most effective marketing you can do: email marketing.


Kevin loves to champion and empower small business. He frequently speaks to 

business and industry groups educating them in online and digital marketing best practices. In 2006, Kevin founded Lightstone Systems, which guides small businesses and non-profit organizations to market with a mission and communicate effectively. Lightstone Systems delivers solutions for mobile responsive website marketing, e-commerce, email marketing, social media, event marketing, online deals and promotions, and merchant services credit card processing.

A career management, sales and marketing leader, Kevin previously consulted with public safety agencies and local governments providing critical technology solutions for actionable intelligence and has added experience with Security and Real Estate. Kevin is President of Lightstone Systems and a Continuing Education Instructor at Hofstra University.

This FREE webinar is another benefit of your regional association membership!



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